Taking Back Sunday Louder Now {320kbps}l VERIFIED
LINK >>> https://bytlly.com/2sXwmB
A long overdue debut on this site for The Cure. Taken from their first national tour (after supporting the Banshees on theirs just a few months earlier) this audience recording came to me as a .wav file from a fan - a regular listener to Live and Loud! Shows, who asked if I could improve it. It was very toppy, thin and boxy sounding - very little in the bass end and a lot in the mids and high end. After removing some of the reverb from the recording to bring back more music signal to work on, I removed tape noise and repaired where the tape stopped (and turned over, I imagine!) at the end of 1 song so that song fades nicely into the start of the next. Then repaired some odd clicks and noises and the odd tape dropout. Only then did I get to work on the sound and enhance what bass there was, buried away, while trying to bring more clarity and weight to the sound as a whole. You can now download this repaired, restored and remastered version of this show exclusively for FREE by clicking right HERE and grabbing it as one 320kbps MP3 file.
Another great live performance from Slade, this time from 1981's Til Deaf Us Do Part tour. This is actually 2 recordings. Most is from an audience recording, but parts of the gig were broadcast on FM radio. Someone at some point stuck them together to make the whole gig but there were overlapping bits. And teh sound quality wasn't very good. So I've done my best to clean up the recordings, and then blend them together. Noise, tape dropouts, uneven levels and finally very muddy sound quality all got tackled. The final part was splitting up the tracks, removing overlapping parts and blending everything back together. And then mastering the whole thing. As often happens, the first track is probably the worst sounding but after that it improves considerably. You can now download this repaired, restored and remastered version of this show exclusively for FREE, right HERE as one 320kbps MP3 file. If you would like to support what I do, and this site, and obtain separate, fully tagged 320kbps MP3s or lossless FLACs of the restoration, head on over to the Rewards For Donations tab to see how you can obtain these for a very small donation towards the site costs. Absolutely no obligation to do so of course - you can take the file on this page absolutely for free - but every single donation does go towards this site and domain/storage costs, and helps the site stay open, and me do more shows.Either way, enjoy the show! And if you like this recording, PLEASE spread the news and share the page link to anyone you think might be interested - facebook fan groups, web forums, Twitter and Instagram are a great way of spreading the word - that way, I always find out which bands are popular and can do more shows by them in the future. Many thanks.You can find the other Slade shows I've restored HERE.
An interesting session, containing a much earlier version of Two Tribes, recorded before Trevor Horn got his hands on it!Sourced from 320kbps MP3 files; all tracks converted to lossless wav for working on. All tracks were pretty clear but flat. The stereo image sounded badly artificially processed and imbalanced (drums too far on 1 side, for example). Worked to correct that, then mainly bringing back some bottom end, reduction of harsh mids where appropriate and bringing more clarity and life, adding space between the instruments before final mastering.The zip file for this session contains remastered MP3 versions - and as a bonus for those who prefer them, lossless FLAC versions too. You can download it HERE.If you wish to express gratitude and donate a dollar or the cost of a coffee to keep the site going, head on over to the Donations tab to see how you can also receive freebies for a very small donation towards the site costs.
I'm very happy to finally to be able to bring a 2nd restoration of an early SoM gig to you (if you missed the first one, you can download that from HERE). To me, this sounds like a mono soundboard recording although there are apparently several versions of this gig on the internet, including audience recordings. All versions apparently omit the last track, Emma.Anyway, for this one I fixed some tape dropouts and some quite alarming variations in volume, in places (the first track in particular was far louder than the rest of the set - sound man sorting out levels, maybe). Adrenochrome has part of it missing, so I faded out and back in so it wasn't quite so jarring. I also reduced background noise and made a few other little tweaks here and there before finally getting to work on the sound itself - bringing back some bottom end and creating a bit more space between the instruments where possible. After that, some studio toys were used and the final recording now has more presence and clarity than the original I was given.You can now download this repaired, restored and remastered version of this show exclusively for free, right HERE as one 320kbps MP3 file.If you would like to have separate, fully tagged 320kbps MP3s or lossless FLACs of the restoration, head on over to the Donations tab to see how you can obtain these for a very small donation towards the site costs. Absolutely no obligation to do so of course - you can take the file on this page absolutely for free - but every single donation does go towards this site and domain/storage costs, and helps the site stay open.Either way, enjoy the show! And if you like this recording, PLEASE spread the news and share the page link to anyone you think might be interested - facebook fan groups, Twitter or Instagram are a great way of spreading the word - that way, I always find out which bands are popular and can do more shows by them in the future. Many thanks.
I have a listener to thank for sending me the raw material for this one - he donated several Tangerine Dream and Kraftwerk live recordings - and no doubt there will be at least one Kraftwerk performance restored soon. Ever since restoring the 1987 Reichstag live performance, I had wanted to restore a show from the classic early 1970s Baumann era - and finally, thanks to my listener, I have one.Recorded from the audience, there are elements of the recording which were overloaded (Tangerine Dream were known for playing very loud at times) and most of it was very muddy and unclear sounding. I have done my best to make it sound clearer, and while I can't remove a distorted recorded signal, I have tried to lessen it a bit where it does occur. I also removed some ambience to give me more music to work on, removed low level noise, EQed and generally made the recording clearer to listen to with some studio toys.TWO versions of this show are available below! My original restoration of the source I was given, and...a new version with pitch and speed slightly brought down. A friend got in touch after listening to the first restoration - someone who is far more of an expert on TD than myself - and he is convinced the original source plays back slightly too high and fast based on the pitch and speed of the sequencer parts, and the sound of the Mellotron flute and special effects noises in particular. After discussing with him, and after experimenting and listening, I have produced a 2nd restoration which you can also download for free, which is a semitone lower and correspondingly slightly slower.You can now download both restorations of this show exclusively for free, here as an 320kbps MP3 file:Original speed restorationPitch corrected restorationIf you would like to have separate, fully tagged 320kbps MP3s or lossless FLACs of both versions of the restoration, head on over to the Donations tab to see how you can obtain these for a very small donation towards the site costs. For this show, the requested donation is £2 for MP3 or £5 for FLAC - this will get you BOTH versions, so 2 sets of MP3s or FLACs for the price of 1. There is absolutely no obligation to donate of course - you can take the files on this page absolutely for free - but every single donation does go towards this site and domain/storage costs, and helps the site stay open. Either way, enjoy the show! And if you like this recording, PLEASE spread the news and share the page link to anyone you think might be interested - that way, I always find out which bands are popular and do more shows by them in the future. Many thanks. 2b1af7f3a8