Theory Of Elastic Stability Timoshenko Pdf
The case of thin shells has been dealt with in a separate volume, Theory of Shells (S. G. Kraning, Jr., and C. R. Rautenberg, Chicago, 1959), and the two problems of buckling of thick shells and buckling of thin-walled cylindrical shells by compression have been treated in Theory of Elastic Stability of Shells and Plate Girders (M. C. Diggles and A. A. Nicholson, U.S. Bureau of Standards, 1964). In the first of these, emphasis was placed on the theoretical aspects of stability, while in the second the emphasis was on the behavior of actual structures under the influence of the stresses generated in them.
Without attempting to cover all the relevant literature, and in particular to exclude works in which a solution is not sought, we have followed the general plan of discussing the problems of stability, and the methods of solution, in such a way that, by approaching a particular problem directly, it may be seen how the various theories of elastic stability, developed during the past century, have been applied to the problem of stability of specific members.
In addition to the problems and their solutions, at the end of each chapter there is a bibliography, in which are listed publications which dealt with the problem of elastic stability of a particular type of member. The bibliographies of the earlier chapters of the book are extended, and the valuable work of other authors is incorporated in them. There are also many references to important works of literature related to the subject.
In this book there is an attempt to deal with theoretical problems of elastic stability of a variety of members, columns, shells, and plates, either under compression or under bending, torsion, or other actions causing static or cyclic strains. In each case the simple theoretical approaches are considered first, and then the more advanced methods are discussed. Some of the problems considered have been treated by other authors, and references are made in each case.
This book deals with various types of problems of elastic instability. The book is intended to serve as a course of lectures for engineering students, and as a reference book for engineers in the daily practice of design. It is written for the beginner, and may therefore be regarded as a course of lectures. It is divided into 10 chapters, of which the first chapter, dealing with the subject of lateral buckling of compressed members, is most important. It may be helpful, before going to the details of the solutions given in the succeeding chapters, to give an outline of the problem of elastic instability. Since it is a subject of primary importance for design of structures, a knowledge of it is essential for engineers.
It is hoped that the reader may find this book useful both for its general discussions of stability problems, and for the particular solutions of the problems treated. It is equally hoped that it may prove instructive to engineering students, as well as useful to engineers in their daily practice of design. 827ec27edc